Archive for Memeory Lane

A Trip Down Memory Lane ft. Fake Blood

Posted in Uncategorized with tags , on March 3, 2011 by rubberteethmusic

If you hop in a time machine and go back to the year 2008, chances are you’ll find a dumb, naive and clueless 18 year old Rubberteeth (I’m still pretty much those things). If you then follow that young man to Parklife 2008 you’ll likely witness his first exposure to electronic music, drug use, festivals andddd….Fake Blood.

Funnily enough I didn’t like him the first time I saw one of his sets. I didn’t really know what I listening too, the set time was early in the day , I was avoiding an ex girlfriend and I wasn’t drunk enough to attempt dancing. Later that night however once I’d loosened up I witnessed a DJ set by the Plump Dj’s who happened to drop Fake Blood’s track ‘Mars’ to a massive crowd. After I heard that on a festival sound system I was bitten by the bug that is ‘Fake Blood’ and a love for electronic music, djing and music production followed. I’m not saying Fake Blood was the sole influence that shaped what I am today but he is certainly one of the bigger reasons that I enjoy what I do. The next year I had the opportunity to see him again, supported by Sinden at a Warehouse Party. To this day that party has been the best gig I’ve seen…. and I was sober!

The guy is good at scratching, chooses the right tracks and knows when to unload a banger/drop some melody. Jump to 2011, apparently he is in the studio again getting busy. I’d love to hear some strange festival bangers similar to 2008 with tracks like Mars, Anyway You Choose To Give it or Stuck On Repeat although I think he is continuing his more tamer style tunes (stuff that doesn’t quite melt your brain). Either way he oozes quality so I’m happy to hear he is keeping busy.

Long live fake blood